[Guide] Hero | Arcane Saga
Arcane Saga Guide
[Guide] Hero

[How to activate a hero]

When you acquire a set number of 'hero pieces' through summons or other means, you can activate the corresponding hero.

※ The number of 'hero pieces' required for hero activation is as follows:


영웅 조각 개수











[Path Of Glory]

[Crystal Purchase]

In addition to 'hero pieces,' heroes can also be purchased using crystals or obtained as rewards from the 'Path of Glory.'

※ The 'Renown Points' required for acquiring heroes in the 'Path of Glory' can be obtained through stage clears and other means.

※ For more detailed guidance on the 'Path of Glory,' please refer to the guide below.

🔗 [Path of Glory Menu Guide] [Link]

You can check your owned heroes in the bottom right [Hero] tab.

[Sort and Filter]

You can click on this icon to apply sorting and filtering to the list.

[Number of Owned Heroes]

You can check the number of owned heroes at the top right corner of the screen.


It displays the complete list of heroes you own.


It displays the list of Vita union heroes you currently possess.


It displays the list of Ordo union heroes you currently possess.


It displays the list of Abyssus union heroes you currently possess.

※ Heroes you do not possess will be displayed in grayscale.

[Hero Pieces]

At the bottom of the hero, you can see the hero pieces you currently possess, and if you have enough pieces for promotion, it will be indicated by a separate arrow symbol.

※ When acquiring hero pieces for heroes you do not possess, you can use them after acquiring and activating the respective hero.


When you select any hero on the Heroes/Total page, you can view information about that specific hero.

- You can check the union and class.

- You can see the current level, rank, and attributes.

- You can increase the level and rank.

- You can check the combat power.

You can click on 'Detailed Information' and 'Skills' to view more detailed content.


On the Hero/Equipment page, you can check the current status of equipped equipment and perform bulk equipment attachment and detachment.

You can see the additional attributes provided by equipped equipment.

When you select any equipment, you can view information related to the equipment's inventory.

You can check the detailed attributes of equipped equipment and compare the attributes with other equipment. You can also equip or unequip equipment.


On the Hero/Link page, you can use link registration, and you can unlock slots by using 100 crystals.

※ Free crystals will be used first.

Heroes can register higher-level heroes as level links.

The hero with a level link can maintain the same level as the hero linked through the level link.

Linked heroes cannot level up while the level link is maintained.

Linked heroes cannot be linked to other heroes simultaneously.

Heroes engaged in the following content cannot be linked and cannot be unlinked:

→ Exploration (Outland), Mining (Outland), Hero Dispatch

After completing the link registration, the linked hero will be displayed on the left side of the page.

When you unlink the hero, they will return to their original level, and all equipped equipment will be unequipped.